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These books, written by James Lyles, a former Vietnam gun truck commander, are an authoritative reference on a number of special hybrid vehicles called Vietnam gun trucks and the extraordinary crews who manned them. During their 5 year history from late 1967 thru late 1972, Vietnam gun trucks were without a doubt the most important wheeled vehicles to see duty in Vietnam. They were mainly used for convoy security and installation perimeter defense, but were also used in other roles. It was originally thought that only 150 of these vehicles existed but part 2 now includes a list of over 350 gun truck names and rare photos of nearly 300 different gun trucks. While the latest book, "HAVE GUNS - WILL TRAVEL" includes a list of OVER 500 gun truck names and associated information on the crews as carefully gathered by the author James Lyles.
The original book, printed in two volumes, deals with facts about the gun trucks and their crews. Volume I includes the story of gun trucks and their swashbuckling crews with 80 pages of mostly color photos of regular 2-1/2 ton and 5-ton gun trucks, eyewitness ambush accounts, humorous gun truck related short stories, full sized gun truck replicas and scale models.
Volume II includes APC gun trucks, Quad 50 gun trucks, ¾ ton gun beeps, gun jeeps, gun trucks with multi-angled armor, V-100s, gun truck scale models, a complete gun truck list, a gun truck crew list and pictures of many ambushed vehicles including BRUTUS, the vehicle Larry Dahl won the Medal Of Honor aboard in 1971 by jumping on a grenade thrown into his gun truck.The latest book, "HAVE GUNS - WILL TRAVEL" ( Available about June 1, 2012 ) includes a list of OVER 500 gun truck names and associated information on the crews as carefully gathered by the author James Lyles. And all NEW stories from the guntruckers themselves, and OVER 200 NEW, never before published pictures of the gun trucks! What a resource!
There are several photos of a formidable 5-ton gun truck called MAVERICK which may have been the most heavily armed gun truck of them all with four (4) General Electric XM-134 miniguns and a set of twin M60 machine guns.
Volume I is $39.95 each plus shipping.
Part Two is $39.95 each plus shipping.
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Using the You can purchase Domestic or International retailers wishing to stock or resell this book. . . . Wild Thing on display and heading out for a run around the campground at Kokomo Vietnam Veterans Reunion 2006 King Cobra in Viet Nam THE books you need to learn about Gun Trucks in Vietnam! Contact Many Vietnam Veterans have severe health issues relating back to their service four decades ago. Diabetes is one of the more debilitating maladies that our Vietnam Veterans struggle with everyday.
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